Thursday 2 February 2012

Reality bites

Last night I had a dream about this...

When I woke up and looked out the window I saw this.......

Since it is ground hog day our local groundhog "Shubenacadie Sam" came out of his little house...did not see his shadow...and proclaimed an early Spring.  I felt hopeful, then I remembered...a couple of weeks ago I saw a deceased groundhog on the side of the road.  He had been hit by a car......which made me question the intelligence of groundhogs...even Shubenacadie Sam.


  1. I think I need to go with your groundhog as the one I saw on the Weather Channel say's six more weeks of winter!

  2. bahaha you cracked me up. Ours saw no shadow either. Spring feels like it has been here all week. I hate the mud. amen.

  3. For a second that looked like my island...
