Tuesday, 3 January 2012

January...how I loathe thee....

So...it's over.  The eating, drinking, celebrating, visiting, relaxing, late nights and lazy mornings that was the holidays.  As much as I'm ready for a bit of routine...I rather enjoyed Nanaimo bars and eggnog coffee for breakfast.

I'm not a fan of New Year's...and even less of resolutions.  Really?  Do I have to make myself over yet again?  No thanks.  I'm 42 years old...I've been working on myself for quite awhile...and what you see...is probably what you get.  I'm going to ease into January with a lot of reading, a bit of organizing...and try to keep running when it's not too slippery.  Happy January everybody...and don't be too hard on yourselves.


  1. I agree with you. I am going to enjoy my life and be the best I can be.

  2. Amen! I couldn't have said it better myself!

  3. I concur! No resolution here except to stay home more ;-) Reading + organizing sounds right up my alley!!

  4. Agreed! I am so over all of the resolutions. I'm not working out just to prove my point.

  5. LOL!!! I love that! I might need to store that fact away for myself (no running when slippery). I'm with you 100 percent. I guess my "resolution" is to just be happy.
