This is what it looks like at my house today....I am so over snow...let's hope this is the end of it.
On another note, living in such a small town where everyone knows you is a constant source of amusement for me. I run 5k two or three times a week on the road by our house....there are lots of senior citizens in the neighborhood and I often wonder if they think I am crazy. On Monday an older lady was at her mailbox getting her mail when I ran by...I said hello to her as I ran by....a few seconds later as I was running away she yelled "you're doing great dear," made me laugh.
The following day another neighbor's 7 year-old boy was out playing in the snow in his yard as I ran by.....I said hello...he said "what are you doing?" I said "I'm running", then he said "why would you do a crazy thing like that?"...indeed.
Today I was out running when it started hail...I was about 2k from home...three different people stopped to offer me a drive home...small town living at it's best.