Monday 13 May 2013

Mother's Day...not the Hallmark version

My boys and I on Mother's day last year.

I'm posting the above picture because our oldest son Cameron had to work all weekend so he wasn't home for Mother's Day.

Mother's Day traditions have to change as little boys that pick dandelions for you and make you a homemade card at school turn into teenagers and 20-somethings with jobs, girlfriends, and their own apartments (sigh).  

The past few years  our Mother's Day activities have been inviting my mother and mother-in-law for brunch in the morning then Scott and I and the boys go for a drive somewhere in the afternoon and go out for dinner.  Scott and Isaac made brunch and insisted I sit with a cup of coffee and supervise...they did a great job but Isaac asked so many questions about how much fruit to use and how to cut it up you would think he was transplanting a heart not making a fruit salad.

Knowing that he had to work all weekend Cameron sent me a card and on it he wrote "Happy Mother's Day Mom, I promise to not do anything worrying all day, Love Cameron".  It cracked me up....I guess his usual weekends away with his friends to concerts, fishing trips and general 21-year-old activities cause me to worry a lot.  

After the brunch when we were going for a drive Isaac said he would go....but...his girlfriend wanted him to come over...etc, Scott and I went without either son, and had a lovely afternoon anyway.   When I got home Isaac gave me a foot rub, with peppermint foot cream, but he made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone...(he doesn't read this I think the secret is safe).

I guess the point of this post is to enjoy Mother's Day with little ones who make cards and bring you their version of breakfast in bed...but be a little flexible too because older kids can be pretty great in their own way.


  1. Great looking kids you have there! My son would sooner do the dishes for a year rather than put peppermint cream on my feet. Yes, sadly our days of cards done at school are over, although I have to say most of it was orchestrated by the teachers. I didn't recognise myself in the descriptions but I would have loved to have been that mother!

  2. I'm dealing with being satisfied with a phone call on Mother's Day. I guess it's just a part of growing up for all of us! :)
