Friday, 2 December 2011

The yearly trial that is....the Christmas Card photo shoot

Last month on a weekend that Cameron was home I decided it was that time of year that my sons (and husband) dread every year....time to pose for the yearly Christmas card photo.  When the boys were really young it was not a problem,then they got older.  I'm not proud to say I've resorted to begging, shaming...and even bribing them to get the best pic possible.

We have a few options this year;

option #1
option #2
option #3 (although Cameron looks like he would like a new family)
option #4

And now for the ones that didn't quite work out:

we thought we should get the dog in the picture (not)

apparently there was a tall piece of hay in front of Isaac's face that we didn't notice
I thought we should try one with us walking away ( you know in case we ever record an album and need an album never know).  This suggestion prompted Scott to dance...and Isaac to march (for some unknown reason). you have to fight with your family to get a yearly photo that shows how much you really love each other???


  1. I hate to say it, but I am so over trying to get a family photo.

  2. Yes. Yes, I do. When our friend Steve was here he was nice enough to take some of us. We got some good ones but it wasn't easy. There was plenty of yelling and promises of 'One more'. I always swear it is the last year I am doing a photo.

    All that said, yours look great and if you are considering votes, I love option #1. You nailed it.

  3. I gave up years ago. Every time there would be a fight and a cry. Now they are grown and me and the big guy go the boxed card route. Some of yours mad me laugh. I like option 2 but the dog one, I adore :)

  4. I relate very well to this one! I always try for a whole bunch so that hopefully one is good and then...this year the one I picked my one daugher complained that she is not smiling and the other daughter apparently thinks she was squinting...

  5. You'd think being married to a photographer, we'd have lovely family pictures each year. We did it once.

    I like 1 the best..also the dog one.
